When you arrange a poker game with your mates there is a lot to think about. For instance, where will you set up the online table at Pkv Games and what will you all eat and drink while you play?
Another important point not to be overlooked is around the music that you put on for the occasion. If you make a smart choice of tunes then this is going to add enormously to the fun that you all have.
Poker Face – Lady Gaga
Ok, so technically it’s not about the game of poker, but this feel-good song is perfect for when you get together with some friends. As long as people don’t get too distracted by playing along and acting out the video then it is a good choice.
However, you possibly don’t want to use too many songs with lyrics in them, as instrumental music tends to create a better mood. Maybe Poker Face will be the song you use to start the evening off before switching to something more suitable once the games start.
Some Jazz
There is a good reason why jazz tunes are so widely used in gambling movies. It is because this type of music is ideal for setting the right atmosphere for a tense game of poker.
Maybe you will go for some old Ray Charles standards, a few Nina Simone songs or a bit of Miles Davis. Alternatively a varied jazz compilation could set the tone for the evening perfectly and give you a lot of new songs to listen to.
A Touch of Blues
Some poker players also swear by blues songs when looking for the right mood for poker. You could go for some prime John Lee Hooker or maybe go all the way back to the haunting blues of Robert Johnson, the man who supposedly sold his soul to the devil to get his insane guitar skills.
As with jazz, there is also the tempting option of putting on a classy blues compilation and getting a wonderful mixture of tunes from different artists. Either way, this genre is sure to give a down to Earth feel that adds a lot of pleasure to jazz nights.
Your Favourite Gambling Movie Soundtrack
There are a lot of amazing gambling movies out there and plenty of them have soundtracks that are well worth listening to. Why not stick on the music to Rounders, The Gamblers or Maverick to see how it suits you?
Even if some of the group haven’t seen the movies in question, the quality of these atmospheric songs is sure to add to the occasion.
You Favourite Music
Of course, there is nothing to stop you from simply putting on the favourite music of everyone in the group when you start to play poker together. In this way, you can all relax and enjoy the event with some fantastic tunes that everyone there loves.
The truth is that it doesn’t really matter what the genre is, as you can have an unforgettable night of poker with any sort of music playing in the background.