Humphrey’s Recap April 12th and thank you to the band!

Thanks to everyone who came out to Humphreys Backstage Live last night in San Diego!! So much fun playing with the band! I felt like I was floating in the grooves and pocket of Lisa on drums, and special guest Meir(who played on the album) bringing musical ecstasy to my ears with his slide guitar and warm gibson electric tone, & guest Ben Lee holding down rock-solid bass-lines(he learned all of Jacob’s bass lines from the album!). I felt like I really grew as a musician last night, and vocally was able to sink into the songs in a new way. We weren’t sure how the night would go as this was the first time with this combination of musicians – they played so well! I feel extremely grateful this past year to have shared the stage with such incredible musicians, and for the BAND !! Lisa, Tolan, Cubby – I am grateful for you EVERY DAY !! Such soulful, intuitive, musicians and wonderful people!! Humphrey’s is one of my favourite venues in town 🙂

I’m still buzzing from the CD Release Party March 21st. Been meaning to write about it for awhile – a more explorative blog will come soon! Still in shock that an estimated 500 people came out to share in this beautiful celebration at the World Beat Center – people from many circles, walks of life, perspectives, under one roof in musical celebration!!! It was a dream come true – an event that you wish will happen in your dreams and wonder if it could possibly come true. And it did!

I am incredibly moved by the response from fans for the new ‘Rise Up For Love’ album. These songs are finally finding a home and being shared, living their journey!

Today will be my first Sunday OFF in months!!! Time for rest, jam, eat, sleep, and a li’l nature exploration. <3

-Sherri Anne